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2024 Agenda

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Future homes and places

Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework: unlocking the growth needed to build 1.5 million new homes?

27.11.2412:30 - 13:15Future homes and places
Cllr Richard Clewer
Housing and planning spokesperson
County Councils Network
Cllr Peter Mason
Executive member for planning and skills
London Councils
Simone Wilding
Chief planner
Bristol City Council
Victoria Hills
Chief executive
Royal Town Planning Institute
Meeta Kaur
Town Legal LLP
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The government’s new draft National Planning Policy Framework is designed to increase housing targets for councils and encourage the release of ‘grey-belt’ and green-belt land.  Join this session to understand how these proposed changes will impact affordable housing delivery, and the practical changes organisations will need to be aware of:

•Promoting a more strategic approach to planning, by strengthening cross-boundary collaboration and giving communities a greater say 
• How changes in government approaches towards grey and green belts will impact city centre regeneration and the extension of towns.  
• Embracing mixed tenure: how the planning system can support a more diverse housebuilding sector that prioritises the types of affordable homes communities need  
• How to better incentivize net zero housing and tackle climate change in the planning system

Development and placemaking

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