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At LivGreen we are committed to generating zero carbon housing in the UK and have developed a high-level strategy to provide a complete service to assist housing landlords achieve their zero-carbon targets. Through retrofitting, we aim to reduce costs and improve carbon efficiency while promoting affordable warmth, improving environmental credentials, and enhancing comfort levels for tenants.

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Unlock net Zero Live

*HOMES UK and Unlock Net Zero Live is free to housing associations, local authorities, public sector, housebuilders, master developers, funders, architects, planners and BTR landlords, student accommodation, retirement living and extra-care providers. Fees will apply to other commercial organisations.

© UNLOCK NET ZERO LIVE - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL: 020 7772 8407