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Giving young people a voice for the future of homes 


Architect and TV Presenter George Clarke founded MOBIE in 2017 to inspire young people to revolutionise the way we think about homes. We need younger generations to define how they want to live now and in the future, and MOBIE helps them do it. 

MOBIE connects industry, education and government with young people across the educational spectrum. With real world support, we enable new generations to innovate. Exploring precision engineered, efficient home building processes with greater emphasis on quality, performance and the needs of home users. 
MOBIE inspires everyone of any age, with any level of qualification to think about home and the way we live. From digital content, modern construction courses and our outreach challenges, we encourage thinking, making and prototyping homes that inspire generations of future home thinkers. 

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Unlock net Zero Live

*HOMES UK and Unlock Net Zero Live is free to housing associations, local authorities, public sector, housebuilders, master developers, funders, architects, planners and BTR landlords, student accommodation, retirement living and extra-care providers. Fees will apply to other commercial organisations.

© UNLOCK NET ZERO LIVE - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL: 020 7772 8407